Congratulations on making the decision to pursue GCCC certification!
Please find a quick guide below on resources to prepare for CMP and SCMP certification.
NEW: The Centre for Strategic Communication Excellence (CSCE) and the Global Communication Certification Council (GCCC) have joined forces to provide unparalleled training and resources for communication professionals. View resources at, including:
Disclaimer: GCCC does not endorse, require, or imply that using any specific training provider, educational program, or exam preparation service will result in a guaranteed passing score or an easier certification process. Certification decisions are based solely on a candidate’s ability to meet the established criteria and successfully pass the required examination.
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GCCC Certifications
If you’re pursuing GCCC certification: All IABC skills-based events count towards the training hours you must demonstrate to be eligible to sit the CMP(40 clock hours) or SCMP (20 clock hours) certification exam. Each hour of attendance counts as one clock hour of training.
If you’re already certified: All IABC skills-based events provide continuing professional development (CPD) credits to help you maintain your GCCC certification. You are awarded one point per one hour of attendance to a limit of 20 points per event.